
Section: IV. ADSV-421
Approved By: Dr. Pamela Transue, 4/13/04
Last Review: 6/16/11
Last Revision: 4/13/04
Prior Revisions: 
Initial Adoption: 5/99


It is the policy of the College that employees, faculty and administrators may accept honoraria, except under the following circumstances:

  • the person offering the honorarium is seeking contractual relations with Tacoma Community College, and the employee is in a position to participate in the terms or the awarding of the contract or grant; or
  • the person offering the honorarium is regulated by the College and the employee is in a position to participate in the regulation; or
  • the person offering the honorarium (1) is supporting or opposing College adoption of particular rules, action or policy changes, and (2) the employee may participate in the enactment or adoption of regulations, actions or policy changes.


This policy provides authorization for college employees to accept honoraria offered in connection with their official role at the College, except under certain circumstances, as listed below.

To Whom Does This Policy Apply

This policy applies to all employees at the College.


RCW 42.52.130 – Honoraria

RCW 42.52.150 – Limitations on Gifts

Honoraria Form


Honorarium – money or thing of economic value offered to an employee for a speech, appearance, article or similar item or activity in connection with the employee’s official role at the College.  Honorarium does not include payment for travel, lodging, or subsistence expenses which are considered gifts subject to RCW 42.52.150.


Prior to undertaking the activity for which the honorarium is to be paid, the Honorarium Authorization form must be completed and then approved either by the appropriate Vice President or President.  The completed and approved form is to be submitted to the Business Office.   The Honorarium Authorization form can be accessed here.

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