Emergency and Alert Information

在紧急情况下,为TCC社区提供的额外信息 weather and more. 

Situation Updates - Nov. 15, 2023 

10:59am: TCC的塔科马校区正在经历全校范围的停电.

11:07am:停电影响了塔科马和吉格港校区. Power 停电在该地区很普遍,影响了吉格港、大学广场和第一crest.

11:46am: TCC塔科马校区已经恢复供电. Services will be unstable as systems return online. TCC's Gig Harbor campus is still without power.

下午12:00:今天在塔科马校区继续上课和服务. Keep safe as traffic lights in the area may not be working. Gig Harbor campus updates to follow.

12:28pm: Power has been restored at Gig Harbor. All classes and services to continue on both Gig Harbor and Tacoma campuses. 


Update from Tacoma Power via X (Twitter): 

“更新:澳门威尼斯人在线赌场想对你们今天的耐心和理解表示感谢. 今天上午11点左右,塔科马电力公司的工作人员正在进行必要的测试 保护库什曼发电厂和东北电网之间的线路 Tacoma. 测试导致意外操作,导致设备外翻 这是测试范围的一部分来切断澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的部分网络.

将进行彻底调查,以了解这一事件的根本原因 large power outage. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场很遗憾这么多塔科马电力公司和半岛照明公司的客户 were impacted by this unexpected outage. We are thankful for our crews and system 运营商在启动后约40分钟内有效地恢复了澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的客户 of the outage."

Sign up for emergency notifications

TCC警报紧急通知系统由Omnilert操作. You must "opt-in" to this service. 如遇校园等紧急情况,您将收到通知 closures, inclement weather and more. You must select how you want to be notified 通过短信和/或电子邮件(澳门威尼斯人在线赌场强烈建议两种方式,尤其是短信,最及时 notification). 如果你最近没有检查过你的账户,澳门威尼斯人在线赌场建议你检查一下 do so to ensure your contact info is up-to-date. 

Sign up for TCC alerts

恶劣的天气:决定通常是在前一天晚上或凌晨5点30分做出的 day operations are affected. 请注意意外天气或紧急情况 may alter this schedule. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的目标是尽早通知社区. 

紧急情况:您将通过文本和电子邮件收到TCC警报. Follow those instructions. 更多信息将通过TCC Alert和TCC跟进 FacebookTwitter、网站及本网页、电邮及热线253-460-2001. Check those channels frequently for updates. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场鼓励您熟悉所有这些交流 channels before an incident takes place.

Emergency Responses 

Actions to take in the case of an emergency 


Safety Links


TCC Public Information Officers

Tamyra Howser,营销与传播执行董事
Phone: 253-566-6050
Email: thowser@promisesurfing.net

Rachel Payne, Senior Communication Specialist
Phone: 253-460-4381
Email: rpayne@promisesurfing.net