Succeeding as an Online Student

Tips for online learning success from experienced online professors.

What Does it Take to Succeed as an Online Student?

"If you're struggling, others will help you succeed.——伊万·拉米雷斯·卡拉斯卡尔

What Does it Take to Succeed as an Online Student? 

帕姆·科斯塔教授心理学. Corinne Jarvis teaches Health 信息 Management and Health 信息 技术. Ivan Ramirez Carrascal teaches astronomy. 但他们 all have one thing in common – they’ve all been teaching online for years.

This spring quarter, 100 percent of TCC’s classes are being taught online. 太极拳的员工 and faculty worked hard to get ready for this transition. 对一些教员来说,这是有效的 been an entirely new experience. For others, like Costa, Jarvis and Ramirez Carrascal, 这是一种不仅熟悉而且有益的教学环境, 成果丰硕,引人入胜.

What does it take to succeed as an online student? Here’s some advice straight from 专家们.

Early Indicators: Struggle Ahead

教师可以注意到学生可能在网上考试中表现不好的警告信号 class. Here are some red flags that alert them to possible struggle ahead:

1. Leaving class participation to the last minute.

“最有可能学习困难的学生通常在课堂上起步较晚, 在最后一分钟提交,即使是在教学大纲测验和其他低风险的考试中 activities that are due the first few days of the quarter,” Costa 说. “他们也 have the fewest log-ins and least amount of time spent in the course.”

2. Not responding to instructor emails.

贾维斯说:“当我联系学生却没有得到回应时,我就会担心 说.

3. Missing early assignments or turning them in late.

“迟交(或不交)作业让我认为一个学生 贾维斯说:“你会挣扎吗.

4. Displaying a negative attitude about online learning.

“对课堂环境表现出消极或过度批评态度的学生, how things are organized, presented, etc., even though they haven’t had the chance 询问或被告知原因,将很难引起兴趣 这样就会脱离课堂,也不会做作业 as others with a more positive attitude will,拉米雷斯·卡拉斯卡尔说.

Early Indicators: Signs of Success

1. 参与早期.

“早沟通、早完成任务等行为引导着我 to think that a student will do 好吧 in a class,” Jarvis 说. “当一个学生发起 沟通问一个关于任务或过程的问题,我觉得更有信心 that the student is going to do 好吧.”

哥同意. “The most successful students become actively engaged in the class EARLY, 要么回复我的“欢迎”邮件,要么直接点击模块. 我可以 “发现”那些通常在澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的介绍性讨论中发帖的成功学生 activities long before the final due date. They also check in’ regularly, about 3-4 每周次数.”

拉米雷斯-卡拉斯卡尔指出,与同学交流也很重要. “成功 学生可以快速地与课堂内容、教师和其他学生互动 并且经常. Although most of the work in my online classes can be done independently, 那些试图自己做所有事情的人很难把所有的事情联系起来 在一起. And I believe they also lack the motivation of being in a supportive group 环境.”

2. 花时间校对.

“Students who have strong writing skills tend to do 好吧,” Costa 说. 当它是 很明显,他们在发布之前已经校对过了,我知道他们在课程中会做得很好.” 在写作方面需要帮助? 获得在线辅导.)

3. 伸出手去回应.

“那些直接与我沟通的人往往比那些全程沟通的人做得更好 quarter without asking a single question,” Costa 说. “一句简单的‘你好,这是 关于我如何学习的一些背景知识,电子邮件通常以一个长长的, 互动的关系,学生毫不犹豫地问我一个问题 当对作业指示、课程政策、成绩甚至建议有疑问时 课外阅读.”

“Email your instructor, call them. We’re here to support you and we want you to do 好吧!拉米雷斯·卡拉斯卡尔说. “Please never hesitate to contact us with any questions 你有. I don’t use the ‘It’s in the Syllabus’ response anymore. 我知道数量 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场给你的信息有很多要处理,所以如果你有什么不明白的 有,请问!”

4. Collaborating with classmates.

“我强烈建议的另一件事是组建一个小型学习小组,”Ramirez Carrascal说 说. “当有更多的学生解决同一个问题时,就会经常合作 通向成功.”

Common Online Learning Challenges

Online learning poses unique challenges. Our professors agree on the biggest one for 大多数学生:

1. 时间管理.

“很多时候,第一次上网的学生并没有意识到上网所花费的时间 within the Canvas class,” Jarvis 说. “A common misconception is that a student can just quickly check Canvas once a week or so. 然而,这是不正确的. 画布 replacing the classroom time that would occur in a face to face class.”

贾维斯解释说,一个5学分的课程每周有5个小时的课堂时间,所以 5 hours should be transferred to Canvas. A student should spend 5 hours per week in 除了要求的阅读和课外作业外,还有一门5学分的帆布课 那个时候.

“这很容易给时间管理带来挑战 a face to face class does not exist. Our lives are busy and it’s really easy to let a day or two slip by without accessing the Canvas class. This can lead to missed information 总体结果更差.”

2. 技术.


许多学生试图只用他们的手机完成作业,但教师 agree: that’s not the best way to work online.

“学生们在网上有很多分心的问题,尤其是如果他们尝试的话 to work from their phones,” Costa 说. “If they are constantly getting bombarded 有了短信和其他通知,这些就会破坏对课堂的持续关注 work and deep processing required for actual learning.”

此外,Canvas还提供了许多专为在桌面或移动设备上工作而设计的功能 一台笔记本电脑. On a phone, they may work less 好吧 – or not at all.

“学生可能会因为使用电子设备而错过重要的信息 other than a computer,” Jarvis 说. “Many online classes require assignments to be 上传. 学生需要具备使用MS Word或Excel等产品的能力, save a document to their computer/device and upload the document in Canvas.” (需要电脑吗?? 在这里申请一个).

…. 谷歌也不能.

拉米雷斯·卡拉斯卡尔说,学生们经常被诱惑离开画布,进入 Internet – and that can backfire.

如果作业要求不要使用外部资源或互联网,请遵循 这个建议. Trying to look for answers online is going to take more time than it will take to work on questions and/or problems with what you already know.”

3. It’s easy to forget to check in.

再一次,这又回到了留出固定时间的重要性 专注于在线材料,就像你参加面对面的课程一样,”科斯塔说 说. 她说:“我的一些在面对面教学中成绩最好、全优的学生,实际上在网上都不及格 上课,只是因为他们忘记定期签到,导致他们错过了作业 考试截止日期.”




1. 制定每日计划, where you devote ample time (and breaks) to online learning. 这包括写作 把所有即将到来的截止日期按班级标注出来,最好用不同的颜色标注.

2. 休息每进行30分钟的在线阅读或活动,站起来四处走走,伸展一下身体, do something different from just sitting and staring at a screen.

3. 做笔记 取决于你所读和所看的!

4. Establish direct communication with your instructor. 这样,他们就会认识你,你也就建立了一种关系 当事情变得有挑战性时.

Corinne Jarvis的建议:

1. 安排好每天的时间 来访问Canvas中的类.

2. Review assignment instructions ahead of time 如果需要的话,问一些问题.

3. 使用可用的支持网络学习 技术问题和/或课堂内容或作业问题的讲师.

Ivan Ramirez Carrascal's Tips:

1. 交互 和你的老师,你的学习小组,和/或你班上的其他学生尽可能多地交流 只要你能. Ask as many questions as 你有. If something isn’t clear for you, it’s probably not clear for many others in your class. Try not to do everything by yourself. 即使你对材料很满意,你和小组的互动 将提升其余部分. If you’re struggling, others will help you succeed. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场不是 here to compete, we’re here to learn and grow 在一起.

2. 按计划行事. 你的导师会设定截止日期,让每个人都能跟上进度 速度. 一开始你可能会觉得这太快了,但你会习惯的 很快. 如果没有,请阅读上面的第一条😊

3. 停留在课堂的上下文中. 虽然网上有大量优秀的内容,但你的优秀TCC老师有 已经整理好了材料,他们给你的正是你需要的 class. 当然,除非作业是关于使用外部资源进行研究. 但在大多数情况下,你需要在课堂上取得成功的内容是 already in your class’ Canvas shell. The Internet might give you quick and easy answers 解决一些问题,但如果你不知道,也会让你不知所措 where to begin and where it is going to end.

4. 要积极和支持. A nice attitude goes a long way and costs nothing.

